티스토리 뷰

1. Exit SetPoint by right clicking on the SetPoint icon in the taskbar and selecting "Exit".

2. Click on the Start button and in the run box, type "%windir%".

3. Open the "system32" folder

4. Open the "drivers" folder

5. Rename the file "wdf01000.sys" to "wdf01000.bak"

6. Reinstall SetPoint

7. Important! Please check and verify the wdf01000.sys is present.  If not, immediately rename wdf01000.bak back to wdf01000.sys.  If rebooting without this file, it may prevent some of your hardware including mice and keyboards from working properly.

8. Reboot the computer.

9. After system is booted up, run SetPoint and check to see if the tabs appear properly.

마우스의 인식이 안될 때, 이 방법으로 성공 했었는데... 안되는 경우도 있고..-_-;
이래서 Setpoint는 지랄맞나 쿨럭 -_-;
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